Page Index
20K NTC fed from 10 uA source
20K NTC with output across load resistor
Adiabatic Flame Temperature
Alternatives to Cable
Amateur Radio
android command line usage
Antennas - half-wave dipole
Antennas - Yagi-Udo
Aristides of Athens
AutoCAD - anonymous blocks
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - (action_tile key action-expression)
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - (done_dialog {status})
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - (get_attr key attribute)
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - (load_dialog dclfile)
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - (new_dialog dlgname dcl_id {action {screen-pt}})
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - (start_dialog)
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - boxed_column
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - boxed_row
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - button
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - column
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - Minimal Example
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - row
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - spacer
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - spacer_0
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - spacer_1
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL)
AutoCAD - Entity Codes
AutoCAD - Entity Definitions
AutoCAD - unanon.lsp
AutoCAD - Visual LISP
AutoCAD Entity Definitions - arc
AutoCAD Entity Definitions - attribute definition
AutoCAD Entity Definitions - attribute
AutoCAD Entity Definitions - block
AutoCAD Entity Definitions - circle
AutoCAD Entity Definitions - insert
AutoCAD Entity Definitions - layer
AutoCAD Entity Definitions - line
AutoCAD Entity Definitions - polyline
AutoCAD Entity Definitions - seqend
AutoCAD Entity Definitions - style
AutoCAD Entity Definitions - text
AutoCAD LISP - Special Characters in output
bed bugs
bible - bible on the bible
bible - comparison of versions
bible - Day of the Lord
Bible - Deuteronomy
Bible - Dispensationalism
bible - greek - diakoneō
bible - greek - diakonos
bible - greek - generation or nation
bible - greek - I am (Ἐγώ εἰμι)
bible - greek - moicheia
bible - greek - oiketēs
bible - greek - overseer
bible - greek - porneia
bible - greek - saint, saints
bible - greek - servant
bible - greek - wine
bible - greek
bible - hebrew - almah (virgin, young woman)
bible - Hebrew - hinneh - Here I am
bible - hebrew - Isaiah 32:11
bible - hebrew - Leviticus 11:20
bible - hebrew - Leviticus 19:28
bible - hebrew - mal'ak (angel, messenger)
bible - hebrew - malak (angel, messenger)
bible - hebrew - nĕshamah (breath, spirit)
bible - hebrew - Psalms 7:4
bible - hebrew - ruwach (wind, breath, mind, spirit)
bible - Hebrew - satan (adversary)
bible - Hebrew - towphaphah (phylacteries)
bible - hebrew - 2 Sam 22:16
bible - hebrew
bible - homosexuality
bible - kjv vs. english
bible - learn greek
bible - new heavens and new earth
bible - purgatory
bible - random notes - gospel
bible - random notes - son of man
bible - random notes - what about my plans?
bible - random notes - why pray?
bible - random notes - 2009-09-10 - why
bible - random notes - 2009-12-20 - pray
bible - random notes - 2010-01-04 - man's condition
bible - random notes - 2010-02-28 - Matt 10:38
bible - random notes - 2010-03-07 - God is not willing
bible - random notes - 2010-05-01 - John 4:24 - worship
bible - random notes - 2010-06-11 Psalm 34:3-8
bible - random notes - 2010-06-12 Hebrews 4:13-16 Our Great High Priest
bible - random notes - 2010-09-26 God's promises to Abraham
bible - random notes - 2010-09-27 God's promises to (about) Ishmael
bible - random notes - 2010-10-07 suffering
bible - random notes - 2010-12-18 whatever your hand finds to do
bible - random notes - 2011-01-06 salvation
bible - random notes - 2011-01-22 government
bible - random notes - 2011-01-22 the gospel
bible - random notes - 2011-01-23 easy believism
bible - random notes - 2011-02-03 why
bible - random notes - 2011-02-12 prayer
bible - random notes - 2011-03-06 we shall know him
bible - random notes - 2011-03-20 faith
bible - random notes - 2011-10-01 before and after
bible - random notes - 2011-10-01 phil 4:6-7
bible - random notes - 2012-03-19 with Christ
bible - random notes - 2012-04-23 Hallelujah
bible - random notes - 2012-04-30 The LORD
bible - random notes - 2012-06-10 Are you sure?
bible - random notes - 2012-06-10 Ownership
bible - random notes - 2012-06-10 Stand
bible - random notes - 2012-09-10 book of life
bible - random notes - 2012-09-10 the last trumpet
bible - random notes - 2012-09-16 'end times'
bible - random notes - 2012-09-26 Are you sure?
bible - random notes - 2012-09-26 Certainty and our response
bible - random notes - 2013-06-02 Evolution and atheists
bible - random notes - 2013-06-02 Hannah's prayer
bible - random notes - 2013-06-04 Elijah
bible - random notes - 2017-03-11
bible - Rom 14.5 - Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind.
bible - specific passages
bible - the birth of Jesus
Bible - The End Times
bible - the enemy
bible belt
Bible History
Bible Passages - Hebrews 4:13-16 Our Great High Priest
Bible passages - Hebrews 6:4-8
Bible passages - Hebrews 10-26:31
Bible passages - Matthew 22:12
Bible passages - 2 Peter 2:17-22
Building Guns
canola oil
cars - 2001 chevy tracker - radio wiring harness
cars - 2001 chevy tracker - remove door panels
chemistry - pyrolysis of wood
Christianity - Calvinism vs. Arminianism
Christianity - Descision Making and the Will of God
Christianity - Does God change His mind?
Christianity - God wants eveybody to be saved
Christianity - God's attributes
Christianity - God's names
Christianity - God
Christianity - How I became a Christian
Christianity - Light
Christianity - random notes
Christianity - Romans Road
Christianity - substitution quote from John Stott
christianity - what God cannot do
Christianity - what just happened here?
christianity - who i am in Christ
Christianity - who killed Jesus?
code vault - break apart delimited text
code vault - char_pos
code vault - commandlinetoargva
code vault - commandlinetoargvw
code vault - copy_file
code vault - dbgprintf
code vault - file_info
code vault - float_edit_subclass
code vault - mystrtok
code vault - readline
code vault - setdlgitemfloat
code vault - spin
code vault - strfirst
code vault - string_auto_array
code vault - string_pos
code vault - strlast
code vault - strsubstr
code vault - strtail
code vault
computer networking tools
computer networking
computer operating systems
Crime and Law
Crucibles for Aluminum
dummy for renaming
Electric Power
electronics - Antennas
electronics - antennas
electronics - Arduino - delete me
electronics - Complex programmable logic device (CPLD)
electronics - Complex programmable logic device
electronics - EIA-232
electronics - EIA-422 and EIA-485
electronics - EPROM 32K x 8 bit 27C256
electronics - Flash RAM 32K x 8 bit 28F256
electronics - FPGA
electronics - L7800 series voltage regulator
electronics - L7900 series voltage regulator
electronics - LCD Display - HD44780 - initialization
electronics - LCD Display - HD44780 - instructions
electronics - LCD Display - HD44780 - pinout
electronics - LCD Display - HD44780
electronics - links
electronics - LTC-5653G-01 Four Digit Seven-Segment Display - Green
electronics - LTC-5851Y Four Digit Seven-Segment Display - Yellow
electronics - motors
electronics - Programmable Array Logic (PAL)
electronics - RS485 transceivers
electronics - SN7447 BCD-TO-Seven-Segment Decoders/Drivers
electronics - SN75176A
electronics - Static RAM 32K x 8 bit 65256
electronics - TTL to EIA-485
electronics - Z80
embedded systems - Arduino Uno
embedded systems - arduino
embedded systems - bacnet - Analog Input properties
embedded systems - bacnet - APDU Header
embedded systems - bacnet - Application Tag
embedded systems - bacnet - BACnet-ComplexACK-PDU
embedded systems - bacnet - Bacnet Confirmed Request PDU
embedded systems - bacnet - BACnet Object Identifier
embedded systems - bacnet - BVLC
embedded systems - bacnet - Confirmed Request PDU
embedded systems - bacnet - Context Tag
embedded systems - bacnet - Device properties
embedded systems - bacnet - message formats - bacnet-ip
embedded systems - bacnet - message formats - confirmed request
embedded systems - bacnet - message formats - date and time
embedded systems - bacnet - message formats - i-am
embedded systems - bacnet - message formats - whois
embedded systems - bacnet - messages - confirmed request - readpropertymultiple
embedded systems - bacnet - NPDU Header
embedded systems - bacnet - object types
embedded systems - bacnet - PD tags
embedded systems - bacnet - Property Identifier
embedded systems - bacnet - specific messages
embedded systems - bacnet - tag decoder
embedded systems - bacnet - tag
embedded systems - bacnet - Trend Log Properties
embedded systems - bacnet - Unconfirmed Request PDU's
embedded systems - bacnet - Unconfirmed Request PDU
embedded systems - bacnet
embedded systems - calculator
embedded systems - chips
embedded systems - circuit cellar ink links
embedded systems - Feather Huzzah32
embedded systems - modbus - commands
embedded systems - modbus - crc calculation
embedded systems - modbus - crc using table
embedded systems - modbus - exception codes
embedded systems - modbus - message format - RTU
embedded systems - modbus - message format - TCP
embedded systems - modbus - registers
embedded systems - modbus
embedded systems - operating systems
embedded systems - Raspberry PI
embedded systems - RTD
embedded systems - sensors
embedded systems - SPI and I2C
embedded systems - Thermistors
embedded systems - tweeter
embedded systems - uds100 - configuration
embedded systems - uds100 - DB25 pinout
embedded systems - uds100
embedded systems - Utility Meters
embedded systems modbus - read coil status - function code 01
embedded systems
false positive for link search
file formats:file format information
file formats - file format information
File Formats - OFX, QXF
file formats - PDF - array objects
file formats - PDF - Body
file formats - PDF - Catalog dictionary
file formats - PDF - color space
file formats - PDF - Content Stream Operators
file formats - PDF - Coordinate Spaces
file formats - PDF - dictionary objects
file formats - PDF - Graphics State
file formats - PDF - Header
file formats - PDF - indirect objects
file formats - PDF - info dictionaries
file formats - PDF - literal strings
file formats - PDF - name objects
file formats - PDF - overview of structure
file formats - PDF - page objects
file formats - PDF - page tree node
file formats - PDF - Pages
file formats - PDF - rectangle
file formats - PDF - resource dictionaries
file formats - PDF - resource directory
file formats - PDF - stream objects
file formats - PDF - Text State Parameters
file formats - PDF - trailer
file formats - PDF - xref table
file formats - PDF
Firearms - pistol cartridges
Firearms we have shot
FreeCAD - create object
Freecad Sketcher Menu
Genesis 36 kings
Getting the Feather Huzzah32 working
Government - H.R.1313 - Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act
Greek Philosopher Epicurus
Greek Philosophers
Hardware - metal
Hardware - screw diameter
health - BMI
health - body changes at the end of life
health - carbohydrate
health - diabetes
health - Gasteric Bypass and NSAID
health - headaches
health - migraines
health - neuropathy
health - otoliths
health - PDE5 inhibitor
health - protein
health - PSA
History - Albert Einstein
History - Benjamin Franklin
History - Denver and Rio Grande
History - Egyptian Middle Kingdom
History - George Washington
History - Josephus
History - Thomas Jefferson
History - why Europeans?
Home and garden
Home Automation
House Construction
house repairs
Imperial Machine Screw Thread Pitch Chart
Islam - Allah gave the gospel to Jesus, Christians are instructed to follow the gospel
Islam - Allah the Greatest Deciever
Israel - did they tie a rope to the high priest
Israel - the ten lost tribes
japanese - gate
japanese - particles
japanese - person
japanese - test page
Jesus - secondary sources
John's Topical Bible
Kia Sedona - IFS Sensor location
Law - Constitutional Protections
Law - Entering the USA
Law - North Carolina - carrying weapons at work
Law Enforcement
linux - apache
linux - backup
linux - bash shell test
linux - change file permissions
linux - connect Nikon D3300 to Ubuntu
linux - create mount point
linux - discovering hardware
linux - environment variables
linux - Epson Perfection V330 Scanner
linux - gimp
linux - gnome3
linux - grub
linux - hexdump
linux - managing repositories
linux - managing updates
linux - my configuration
linux - ncurses
linux - ncursesncurses
linux - network status
linux - nfs
linux - partitioning and moving home
linux - purge-old-kernels
linux - rename pictures with exif information
linux - rotate mov format files
linux - samba
linux - shell
linux - show what's running now
linux - software
linux - usb
linux - user administration
linux - users
linux - x windows
linux software - CAD
Listening List
Loading Docks
Local Devices
Loudon, Tennessee
Loudon Television Stations
lyrics - the stand
Ma and Pa flatcar corner step
Ma and Pa Flatcar
Ma and Pa grab iron
Ma and Pa stake pocket
materials - steel
MCP3004/3008 2.7V 4-Channel/8-Channel 10-Bit A/D Converters with SPI Serial Interface
Mechanical - gear pitch or module
mechanical parts
Melting and Casting Metal
metal - Aluminum
microprocessors - 68HC11
microprocessors - avr
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - addressing modes
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - command line
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - directives - bsz
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - directives - equ
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - directives - fcb
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - directives - fcc
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - directives - fdb
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - directives - fill
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - directives - opt
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - directives - rmb
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - directives - zmb
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - directives
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - statement format
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - condition code register
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - accumulators
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - add accumulators
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - add memory to accumulator with carry
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - add memory to accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - and memory with accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Arithmetic Shift Left Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - arithmetic shift left memory
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Arithmetic Shift Right Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - arithmetic shift right memory
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - bit-test memory and accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch Always
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Carry Clear
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Carry Set
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Equal to Zero
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Greater Than or Equal to Zero
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Greater Than to Zero
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Higher
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Less than or equal
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Less Than Zero
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Lower or Same
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Minus
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Not Equal to Zero
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Overflow Clear
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Overflow Set
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Plus
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Branch to Subroutine
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - clear accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - clear carry flag
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - clear interrupt mask
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - clear memory
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - clear overflow flag
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Compare Accumulators
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Compare Index Register
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Compare memory to accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Complement Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - complement memory
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - condition code register
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Copy Index Register to stack pointer
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Copy stack pointer to Index Register
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Decimal Adjust A
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Decrement Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Decrement Index Register
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - decrement memory
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Decrement stack pointer
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Exclusive OR Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Increment Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Increment Index Register
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - increment memory
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Increment stack pointer
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - jump and branch
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Jump to Subroutine
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Jump
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Load Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Load Index Register
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Load stack pointer
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Logic Shift Right Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - logic shift right memory
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - memory
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Negate Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - negate memory
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - No Operation
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - OR Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Pull Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Push Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Return From Interrupt
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Return From Subroutine
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Rotate Left Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - rotate left memory
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Rotate Right Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - rotate right memory
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - set carry flag
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - set interrupt mask
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - set overflow flag
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Software Interrupt
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - stack pointer
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Store Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Store Index Register
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Store stack pointer
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Subtract Accumulators
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Subtract Memory from Accumulator with Carry
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Subtract Memory from Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Test Accumulator
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - test memory
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Transfer Accumulator A to CCR
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Transfer Accumulators
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Transfer CCR to Accumulator A
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Wait For Interrupt
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - x register
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - interrupts
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - special memory locations
microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802
microprocessors - MC6802 - pinout
microprocessors - MC6802 - signals
microprocessors - microchip pic - labx 20 - lcd
microprocessors - microchip pic - labx 20 - leds
microprocessors - microchip pic - labx 20 - pot
microprocessors - microchip pic - labx 20 - pushbuttons
microprocessors - microchip pic - labx 20 - serial I/O
microprocessors - microchip pics - examples
microprocessors - microchip pics - labx 20
microprocessors - microchip pics - pic assembly language - labels
microprocessors - microchip pics - pic assembly language - literals
microprocessors - microchip pics - pic assembly language - Opcodes - moving data
microprocessors - microchip pics - pic assembly language - Opcodes
microprocessors - microchip pics - pic assembly language - Pseudo Opcodes
microprocessors - microchip pics - pic assembly language
microprocessors - microchip pics - pic chip list
microprocessors - microchip pics - pk2cmd installation
microprocessors - microchip pics - programming interface
microprocessors - microchip pics - references
microprocessors - microchip pics - 14 bit
microprocessors - microchip pics
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - clock
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - config
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - data memory
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - eeprom DELETE ME
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - eeprom
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - indirect addressing DELETE ME
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - indirect addressing
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - intcon register
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - intcon
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - MCLR
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - memory DELETE ME
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - option register
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - option
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - pins
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - porta DELETE ME
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - porta
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - portb DELETE ME
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - portb
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - status register
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - status
microprocessors - microchip 16F84A
microprocessors - microchip 16F87XA
microprocessors - microchip 16F690 - pins
microprocessors - microchip 16F690
microprocessors - microchip 16F873A, 16F874A - data memory
microprocessors - microchip 16F873A, 16F876A - pins
microprocessors - microchip 16F874A, 16F877A - pins
microprocessors - microchip 16F876A, 16F877A - data memory
microprocessors - 68HC11
microprocessors - 8088
microsoft windows - internal stuff
microsoft windows - start explorer in a specific location
microsoft windows xp - configuration notes
microsoft windows xp - how to slipstream XP
microsoft windows xp
microsoft windows
Model Railroading - F Scale
Model Railroading - freight docks
Model Railroading - G Scale
Model Railroading - HO Scale
Model Railroading - O Scale
Model Railroading - Ohio small brick utility buildings
Model Railroading - S Scale
Model Railroading - tie dimensions
Model Railroading
music - dulcimer
music - lap steel guitar
Narrow Gauge Shay Plans
non existent page
O Scale Ma and Pa Flat Car Drawings
O Scale Ma and Pa Flat Car End Beams
O Scale Ma and Pa Flat Car Side Sills
O Scale Ma and Pa Flat Car Stake Pockets
O Scale Ma and Pa Queen Post
O Scale Plymouth 20 Ton Locomotive
O Scale Track Dimensions
off-duty police
oils and fats
Politics and Law
predators and prey
programming:bsd sockets
programming:c:C functions for searching for files
programming:c:C functions
programming:c:c io.h
programming:c:c is* functions
programming:c:c types
programming:c:environment variables
programming:c:format string flags
programming:c:function fclose
programming:c:function feof
programming:c:function ferror
programming:c:function fgetc
programming:c:function fgets
programming:c:function fopen
programming:c:function fputc
programming:c:function fread
programming:c:function fseek
programming:c:function fstat
programming:c:function ftell
programming:c:function fwrite
programming:c:function getc
programming:c:function getchar
programming:c:function gets
programming:c:function isalnum
programming:c:function isalpha
programming:c:function iscntrl
programming:c:function isdigit
programming:c:function isgraph
programming:c:function islower
programming:c:function isprint
programming:c:function ispunct
programming:c:function isspace
programming:c:function isupper
programming:c:function isxdigit
programming:c:function printf
programming:c:function rewind
programming:c:function stat
programming:c:function strcat
programming:c:function strchr
programming:c:function strcpy
programming:c:function strdup
programming:c:function strncat
programming:c:function strncpy
programming:c:function strpbrk
programming:c:function strpos
programming:c:function strrchr
programming:c:function strrev
programming:c:function strtok
programming:c:function substr
programming:c:function utime
programming:c:struct stat
programming:c:struct tm
programming:c:struct utimbuf
programming:cpp:Cpp Class Static data and functions
programming:cpp:Cpp operator overloading
programming:DDE:Excel DDE Server
programming:DDE:IExplorer DDE Server
programming:DDE:PROGMAN DDE Server
programming:DDE:WinWord DDE Server
programming:embedded mozilla
programming:Excel:Excel Date/Time internal format
programming:how to do specific things
programming:lisp:List processing commands
programming:load a bitmap (bmp) file
programming:microchip pics:14 bit
programming:microchip pics:16F84A clock
programming:microchip pics:16F84A config
programming:microchip pics:16F84A eeprom
programming:microchip pics:16F84A indirect addressing
programming:microchip pics:16F84A intcon
programming:microchip pics:16f84A memory
programming:microchip pics:16F84A option
programming:microchip pics:16f84A pins
programming:microchip pics:16F84A porta
programming:microchip pics:16F84A portb
programming:microchip pics:16F84A status
programming:microchip pics:16F84A
programming:microchip pics:16f84A_memory
programming:microchip pics:MCLR
programming:microchip pics:pic assembly language:labels
programming:microchip pics:pic assembly language:literals
programming:microchip pics:pic assembly language:Opcodes - moving data
programming:microchip pics:pic assembly language
programming:microchip pics:pic examples
programming:microchip pics:pic labx 20
programming:microchip pics:pic references
programming:microchip pics:pic_labx_20_lcd
programming:microchip pics:pic_labx_20_leds
programming:microchip pics:pic_labx_20_pot
programming:microchip pics:pic_labx_20_pushbuttons
programming:microchip pics:pic_labx_20_serial_io
programming:PHP notes
programming:programming links
programming:tcl/tk:tk widgets
programming:windows:Button Notification Messages
programming:windows:display a bitmap in a window
programming:windows:List of Messages to Windows
programming:windows:listbox styles
programming:windows:networking:select based server
programming:windows:serial i/o
programming:windows:win32 constants
programming:windows:win32 functions
programming:windows:win32 structures
programming:windows:window styles
programming:windows:window value offsets
programming:windows:windows class registration
programming:windows:windows creation
programming:windows:windows destruction
programming:windows:windows message decoding
programming - algorithms - b-plus trees
programming - algorithms - binary trees
programming - algorithms - graph drawing calculating the scaling factors
programming - algorithms - graph drawing drawing a scale
programming - algorithms - graph drawing
programming - algorithms - 3D - Projection
programming - algorithms - 3D - Rotation
programming - algorithms - 3D - Translation
programming - algorithms - 3D
programming - autolisp
programming - bsd sockets
programming - C - CLOCKS_PER_SEC
programming - C - clock_t
programming - C - Combining C and tcl/tk
programming - c - conversions
programming - C - ctime
programming - c - difftime
programming - C - environment variables
programming - c - File I/O
programming - C - findfirst and findnext
programming - C - format string flags
programming - C - function fclose
programming - C - function feof
programming - C - function ferror
programming - C - function fgetc
programming - C - function fgets
programming - C - function fopen
programming - C - function fputc
programming - C - function fread
programming - C - function fseek
programming - C - function fstat
programming - C - function ftell
programming - C - function fwrite
programming - C - function getc
programming - C - function getchar
programming - C - function gets
programming - C - function gmtime
programming - C - function isalnum
programming - C - function isalpha
programming - C - function iscntrl
programming - C - function isdigit
programming - C - function isgraph
programming - C - function islower
programming - C - function isprint
programming - C - function ispunct
programming - C - function isspace
programming - C - function isupper
programming - C - function isxdigit
programming - C - function memset
programming - C - function mktime
programming - C - function printf
programming - C - function putc(int char, FILE* stream)
programming - C - function putch(int char)
programming - C - function putchar(int char)
programming - C - function rewind
programming - C - function stat
programming - C - function strcat
programming - C - function strchr
programming - C - function strcpy
programming - C - function strdup
programming - C - function strftime
programming - C - function strncat
programming - C - function strncpy
programming - C - function strnpos
programming - C - function strpbrk
programming - C - function strpos
programming - C - function strrchr
programming - C - function strrev
programming - C - function strtok
programming - C - function substr
programming - C - function time
programming - C - function utime
programming - C - function _makepath
programming - C - function _splitpath
programming - c - functions - asctime()
programming - c - functions - atof
programming - c - functions - atoi
programming - c - functions - clock()
programming - c - functions - itoa
programming - c - functions - strtoul
programming - C - functions for searching for files
programming - C - functions
programming - C - io.h
programming - C - is* functions
programming - C - localtime
programming - C - macro NULL
programming - C - struct stat
programming - C - struct tm
programming - C - struct utimbuf
programming - c - structs - _finddata_t
programming - C - structs _finddata_t
programming - C - structs
programming - c - time related
programming - C - type size_t
programming - C - type time_t
programming - C - types
programming - C language
programming - cgi - cookies
programming - cgi - environment variables
programming - cgi - HTTP_USER_AGENT
programming - cgi
programming - cpp - Class Static data and functions
programming - cpp - operator overloading
programming - cpp
programming - CSS - tables
programming - CSS
programming - DDE - Excel DDE Server
programming - DDE - IExplorer DDE Server
programming - DDE - PROGMAN DDE Server
programming - DDE - WinWord DDE Server
programming - DDE
programming - embedded mozilla
programming - Excel - Excel Date/Time internal format
programming - Excel
programming - forth
programming - Free Pascal - file extensions
programming - Free Pascal - fppkg
programming - Free Pascal - GUI Elements
programming - Free Pascal - Sqlite
programming - Free Pascal - TPaintBox
programming - Free Pascal
programming - how to do specific things
programming - HTML - button
programming - HTML - checkbox
programming - HTML - form
programming - HTML - input
programming - HTML - listboxes
programming - HTML - radio button
programming - HTML - selection list
programming - HTML - text area
programming - HTML
programming - HTML5 - canvas
programming - HTTP - status codes
programming - HTTP
programming - java - applet
programming - java
programming - javascript - change webpage text on the fly
programming - javascript - data types
programming - javascript - document object model
programming - javascript - event handlers
programming - javascript - HTML DOM - events
programming - javascript - HTML DOM HTMLElement Object
programming - javascript - HTML DOM
programming - javascript - methods - getElementById
programming - javascript - methods - push
programming - javascript - methods - unshift
programming - javascript - methods
programming - javascript - navigator object
programming - javascript - objects - document
programming - javascript - objects - window
programming - javascript - objects
programming - javascript - onLoad
programming - javascript - onsubmit
programming - javascript - properties - innerHTML
programming - javascript - properties
programming - javascript - write to the webpage
programming - javascript - xml htmp request
programming - javascript
programming - language - c language
programming - Libre Calc - accessing cells
programming - Libre Calc - cell content types
programming - Libre Calc - reading and writing cell contents
programming - Libre Calc - select the sheet
programming - linux - opendir readdir closedir
programming - lisp - List processing commands
programming - lisp
programming - load a bitmap (bmp) file
programming - MD5 hash
programming - operating system
programming - pascal - function - concat
programming - pascal - function - copy
Programming - Pascal - function - FloatToStr
Programming - Pascal - function - format
Programming - Pascal - function - IntToStr
programming - pascal - function - length
programming - pascal - function - pos
programming - pascal - function - upcase
programming - pascal - procedure - delete
programming - pascal - procedure - insert
programming - pascal - procedure - str
programming - pascal - procedure - val
programming - Pascal
programming - PHP, PDO, Sqlite3
programming - PHP notes
programming - PHP
programming - programming links
programming - python
programming - responsive web design
programming - sqlite - operations
programming - sqlite
programming - sqlite2 - c interface
programming - sqlite2
programming - sqlite3 - c interface - sqlite3_bind_(type)
programming - sqlite3 - c interface - sqlite3_bind_int
programming - sqlite3 - c interface - sqlite3_bind_text
programming - sqlite3 - c interface - sqlite3_clear_bindings(sqlite3_stmt*)
programming - sqlite3 - c interface - sqlite3_exec()
programming - sqlite3 - c interface - sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3*)
programming - sqlite3 - c interface - sqlite3_open()
programming - sqlite3 - c interface - sqlite3_prepare()
programming - sqlite3 - c interface - sqlite3_reset(stmt)
programming - sqlite3 - c interface - sqlite3_step()
programming - sqlite3 - c interface
programming - sqlite3 - data types
programming - sqlite3
programming - SWEET16
programming - target - android
programming - target - DOS - _splitpath(in_file_name, drive, dir, name, ext)
programming - target - DOS
programming - target - GUI toolkits
programming - target - Libre Calc
programming - target - linux
programming - target - windows
programming - target - X Windows (X11)
programming - target - XCB
programming - target - Xlib
programming - tcl/tk - tk widgets
programming - tcl/tk - tk_canvas
programming - tcl/tk - tk_entry
programming - tcl/tk - tk_frame
programming - tcl/tk - tk_label
programming - tcl/tk - tk_menus
programming - tcl/tk - tk_optionMenu
programming - tcl/tk - tk_radiobutton
programming - tcl/tk
programming - windows - Button Notification Messages
programming - windows - buttons
programming - windows - CREATESTRUCT
programming - windows - CreateWindow
programming - windows - CreateWindowEx
programming - windows - directx
programming - windows - display a bitmap in a window
programming - windows - EnableWindow
programming - Windows - findfirstfile and findnextfile
programming - windows - GetWindowLong
programming - windows - List of Messages to Windows
programming - windows - listbox styles
programming - windows - message path
programming - windows - MoveWindow
programming - windows - networking - select based server
programming - windows - networking
programming - windows - serial i/o
programming - windows - services
programming - windows - SetWindowPos
programming - windows - SetWindowText
programming - windows - styles
programming - windows - win32 constants
programming - windows - win32 functions
programming - windows - win32 structures
programming - windows - window size change messages
programming - windows - window startup messages
programming - windows - window styles
programming - windows - window value offsets
programming - windows - windows class registration
programming - windows - windows creation
programming - windows - windows destruction
programming - windows - windows message decoding
programming - windows - windows
programming - windows - WM_COMMAND
programming - windows - WM_CREATE
programming - windows - WM_NCCALCSIZE
programming - windows - WM_SETTEXT
programming - windows - WM_SIZE
programming - windows - WM_SIZING
programming - windows - WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING
programming - xbase
programming cg - environment variables
programming cgi - cookies
programming cgi
programming information - floating point formats
programming toolkits - GUI toolkits
programming tools - arduino
programming tools - crasm
programming tools - g-plus-plus options
programming tools - gcc options
programming tools - lazarus
programming tools - make files
programming tools - using gdb
programmming - X Windows (X11)
Railroad rail sizes
Raleigh Television Stations
Raspberry PI - add a network printer
Raspberry PI - add a user
Raspberry PI - BCM2835 C library
Raspberry PI - Configure a Raspberry pi zero W without monitor or keyboard
Raspberry PI - configure static IP address
Raspberry PI - Configure without monitor or keyboard
Raspberry PI - determine version of raspbian running
Raspberry PI - GPIO
Raspberry PI - PHP
Raspberry PI - Pinouts
Raspberry PI - restart or shutdown
Raspberry PI - VNC
Raspberry PI - write disk image to sd card
Reading List
Rear View Cameras
remove roof trusses
sandwich bread
science - are viruses alive?
science - astronomy
science - chromosomes and DNA
science - flame temperature
science - human chromosomes
science - humans - the appendix
science - what is the smallest living thing?
scooter - Tao Tao 50
silver soldering
software:links:embedded systems
software - Apache2 Webserver
software - blender - edit mode
software - blender - modeling workspace
software - blender - moving an object
software - blender - moving around
software - blender
software - email
software - figure drawing software
software - installing Apache, PHP, MySQL on a Windows machine
software - OpenSCAD
software links - embedded systems
software links - php
software links
Sources for Stuff
soybean oil
Spam sources
special instructions
state taxes
states that tax social security benefits
states with no income tax
states with no sales tax
technology - make your own charcoal
test page 001
test page 002 - runoff style markup
test page 002 - wiki style tables
test page 003 - wiki style with nothing after
test page 004 - preformatted text
test page 005 - escaping of ampersands
test pages
The police are required to protect you
The Second Amendment
this:is:a test:subtest
This:is:a test
Tobpical Bible - Day of the Lord
Topcial Bible - Oh Mighty One
Topical Bible - 'The Rapture'
Topical Bible - Abaddon
Topical Bible - Age of Accountability
Topical Bible - Age of Innocence
Topical Bible - All that come to me
Topical Bible - Angel of God
Topical Bible - Angel of the LORD
Topical Bible - Animals have souls?
Topical Bible - anxiety
Topical Bible - apostles
Topical Bible - Balaam
Topical Bible - be filled with the Spirit
Topical Bible - Before Christ
Topical Bible - Blaspheme
Topical Bible - Blood of the Covenant
Topical Bible - Book of Life
Topical Bible - Can you lose your salvation?
Topical Bible - cause others to sin
Topical Bible - Chosen of or by God
Topical Bible - Christ Killers
Topical Bible - Church near end times
Topical Bible - Church
Topical Bible - Condition of the Earth today
Topical Bible - contents of the ark of the covenant
Topical Bible - Creation
Topical Bible - Day of the Lord
Topical Bible - Disobedient Angels
Topical Bible - Do not resist the one who is evil
Topical Bible - Does God hate Jews?
Topical Bible - Does God take pleasure in the death of the wicked?
Topical Bible - End Times
Topical Bible - Esau
Topical Bible - Faith
Topical Bible - Food
Topical Bible - Fools
Topical Bible - Forgive (with regard to other people)
Topical Bible - Free will of man
Topical Bible - from God
Topical Bible - Giving
Topical Bible - God - duration of His existence
Topical Bible - God - only one
Topical Bible - God - owner of everything
Topical Bible - God - revelation through creation
Topical Bible - God Almighty
Topical Bible - God draws him
Topical Bible - God is not willing
Topical Bible - God Most High
Topical Bible - God took him
Topical Bible - God wants everyone to be saved
Topical Bible - God's calling of believers
Topical Bible - God's character
Topical Bible - God's Curse on Man and the Earth
Topical Bible - God's discipline of the believer
Topical Bible - God's elect
Topical Bible - God's help for us
Topical Bible - God's judgement
Topical Bible - God's Mercy and Grace
Topical Bible - God's Names
Topical Bible - God's Omnipresence
Topical Bible - God's Plans for Israel
Topical Bible - God's promises to (about) Ishmael
Topical Bible - God's promises to Abraham
Topical Bible - God's Promises to Israel
Topical Bible - God's provision for us to live
Topical Bible - God's remnant
Topical Bible - God's Sovereignty
Topical Bible - God
Topical Bible - Gods glory leaves the temple
Topical Bible - Gods Time
Topical Bible - Great White Throne
Topical Bible - Hades
Topical Bible - He who lives by the sword dies by the sword
Topical Bible - Heart of stone (Israel)
Topical Bible - Hell
Topical Bible - Homosexuality - Genesis 19 - Sodom and Gomorrah
Topical Bible - Homosexuality
Topical Bible - Human Wisdom
Topical Bible - Inquire of the LORD
Topical Bible - Ishmael
Topical Bible - Israel - fate of
Topical Bible - Jacob
Topical Bible - Jesus, the only way to God
Topical Bible - Jesus, why He came to earth
Topical Bible - Jesus heals
Topical Bible - Jesus in the Old Testament
Topical Bible - Jesus paid for all
Topical Bible - Jesus paid only for some
Topical Bible - Jesus regarding the old testament
Topical Bible - Jesus the Anointed One
Topical Bible - Jesus the creator
Topical Bible - Jesus the visible revelation of the invisible God
Topical Bible - Jesus was innocent
Topical Bible - Job
Topical Bible - John the baptist - He must increase, I must decrease
Topical Bible - Jonah the son of Amittai
Topical Bible - Joshua the son of Nun
Topical Bible - Judge not...
Topical Bible - Judgement of believers
Topical Bible - Kingdom of God
Topical Bible - Land of Merchants
Topical Bible - Leaven
Topical Bible - Levirate marriage
Topical Bible - life in Christ
Topical Bible - Limited Atonement
Topical Bible - Lot
Topical Bible - Magic and Magicians
Topical Bible - Man of lawlessness
Topical Bible - Man's condition prior to salvation
Topical Bible - Man
Topical Bible - Mary Magdalene
Topical Bible - Melchizedek
Topical Bible - Merodach Baladan
Topical Bible - Messiah
Topical Bible - More Tolerable
Topical Bible - Morning Star
Topical Bible - Must be called / Any may come
Topical Bible - My Righteousness
Topical Bible - New heavens and new earth
Topical Bible - New Testament giving
Topical Bible - No Mechanical Instruments
Topical Bible - Noah and the flood
Topical Bible - Oh Mighty One
Topical Bible - Original sin
Topical Bible - Our ability to merit God
Topical Bible - Our future
Topical Bible - peace
Topical Bible - People God used to accomplish His purpose
Topical Bible - Perseverance of the Saints
Topical Bible - Peter, James and John
Topical Bible - Pharisees
Topical Bible - Praise for God
Topical Bible - prayer - Hezekiah - at the news of his impending death
Topical Bible - prayer - Hezekiah - War with Assyria
Topical Bible - prayer - Hezekiah
Topical Bible - prayer - The unrighteous judge
Topical Bible - prayer
Topical Bible - Predestination
Topical Bible - Purgatory
Topical Bible - Ransom Theory of the Atonement
Topical Bible - Reconciled
Topical Bible - redeemed
Topical Bible - Righteousness in the old testament
Topical Bible - Rights in the Bible
Topical Bible - Romans Road
Topical Bible - Salvation after death?
Topical Bible - Salvation before Christ's advent
Topical Bible - Salvation
Topical Bible - Satan
Topical Bible - Sealed by the Spirit
Topical Bible - Second Coming
Topical Bible - See God and die
Topical Bible - Sheol
Topical Bible - Shiloh
Topical Bible - Sodom and Gomorrah
Topical Bible - Solmon
Topical Bible - Sons of God
Topical Bible - The Christians Calling
Topical Bible - The Council of God
Topical Bible - The Day of the Lord
Topical Bible - The earth is flat
Topical Bible - The End of the age
Topical Bible - the last trumpet
Topical Bible - The Lords Prayer
Topical Bible - The New Creation
Topical Bible - The Rapture
Topical Bible - The Rich Young Ruler
Topical Bible - The Transfiguration of Jesus
Topical Bible - The Work of God
Topical Bible - Those who reject God
Topical Bible - Transform
Topical Bible - Trinity in Old Testament
Topical Bible - Trouble in the life of the believer
Topical Bible - Twelve
Topical Bible - Unpardonable sin
Topical Bible - Us Before Christ
Topical Bible - What delights the Lord
Topical Bible - What God wants of us
Topical Bible - Where do Christians go when they die
Topical Bible - Who sent the Holy Spirit?
Topical Bible - Why Christ was born when He was
Topical Bible - Why God had the Israelites dispossess the nations
Topical Bible - Why
Topical Bible - Witness of creation
Topical Bible - Woman anointing the feet of Jesus
Topical Bible - Worship
Topical Bible - You have said it yourself
Topical Bible
Transcendental Meditation
travelling Route 66
Unknown Turnbuckle
USA 2014 cause of death
Welding Tip Sizes
Wire Sizes
Wood Screw diameters
Wood Working
woot! rename test file
work shoes
working with plastic - casting polyurethane
working with plastic
X Windows Functions - Display *XOpenDisplay(display_name)
X Windows Functions - Window XCreateSimpleWindow(display, parent, x, y, width, height, border_width, depth, class, visual, valuemask, attributes)
X Windows Functions - Window XCreateWindow(display, parent, x, y, width, height, border_width, depth, class, visual, valuemask, attributes)
X Windows Structures - XButtonEvent
X Windows Structures - XEvent
X Windows Structures - XKeyEvent
X Windows Structures - XMotionEvent
XLib Function - Status XQueryBestTile(display, which_screen, width, height, width_return, height_return)
XLib Function - XLookupString