programming:c:mktimeWhat links here?
Convert tm structure to time_t

Interprets the contents of the tm structure pointed by timeptr as a calendar time expressed in local time. This calendar time is used to adjust the values of the members of timeptr accordingly and returned as an object of type time_t.

The original values of the members tm_wday and tm_yday of timeptr are ignored, and the ranges of values for the rest of its members are not restricted to their normal values (like tm_mday being between 1 and 31).

The object pointed by timeptr is modified, setting the tm_wday and tm_yday to their appropiate values, and modifying the other members as necessary to values within the normal range representing the specified time.


Return Value

A time_t value corresponding to the calendar time passed as argument. On error, a -1 value is returned.
last edit:April 09 2009 22:39:12 (5504 days ago)
ct = 1714958743.000000 = May 05 2024 21:25:43
ft = 1239331152.000000 = April 09 2009 22:39:12
dt = 475627591.000000