Family's Moving Obituary for Mom Who Died of Opioid Addiction: The 'Disease Wouldn't Let Her Go'...began using opiods when she was 16 years old, the family wrote. She tried OxyContin for the first time at a high school party...
The Opioid Crisis: A Mother’s LossHe and some friends started messing around with pot when he was 13. By the age of 14, he got oxycodone pills from a friend, and by 16, he was addicted to heroin.
‘Kids just like most of you’: Mother who lost 2 sons on the same day warns students, parents about alcohol and opioidswho both died June 14, 2015, after accidentally overdosing on alcohol and oxycodone at a graduation party.
The statement, in a CMAJ editorial, that addiction is a disease is not supported by the evidence and reads more like a political policy statement than a reasoned intellectual argument.
At best, addiction is a maladaptive response to an underlying condition, such as depression or a nonspecific inability to cope with the world.
Medicalizing addiction has not led to any management advances at the individual level. The need for helping or treating people with addictions is not in doubt, but a social problem requires social interventions.
Addiction is not a disease
Alcoholism and other types of addictions are not diseases, but rather behaviors in which people choose to engage.
Alcoholism Is Not a Disease
Entitled to Addiction? Pharmaceuticals, Race, and America's First Drug War
Columbia professor Carl Hart uses heroin, says we must legalize drugs
Columbia professor: I do heroin regularly for ‘work-life balance’
Drug addiction. Is it a disease or is it based on choice? A review of Gene Heyman's Addiction: A disorder of choice.
Everything the government thinks it knows about the opioid crisis is wrong
Pain medicine realities: beyond the opioid crisis
Misunderstandings about opioid use disorder
Netflix’s ‘Painkiller’ tells only half the OxyContin story "Like the 2022 Hulu drama “Dopesick,” “Painkiller” embraces an indiscriminate aversion to opioids."
What long-term opioid use does to your body and brain
A comprehensive review of opioid-induced hyperalgesia
How Vietnam War Veterans Broke Their Heroin Addictions
Lee Robins' studies of heroin use among US Vietnam veterans
How Long Does It Take to Get Addicted to Cocaine? Cocaine is notoriously addictive.
How Fast Can You Get Addicted to Cocaine? Unlike physically addictive drugs like alcohol and heroin, cocaine is psychologically addictive.
Can You Get Addicted to Cocaine After the First Use?