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 Tour 3

This page is part of a tour of Notebook's features.

You can style your text

You can use boldface, italics, and monospace text, or a combination of all three.

You can strikeout any text you like.

You can use a large font for emphasis, or a small font for incidental notes.

If you click the Edit button (the one with the pencil on it), you'll see that the above paragraphs look like this, only not indented:

 You can use <b>boldface</b>, <i>italics</i>, and <m>monospace</m> text, or
 a combination of <b><i><m>all three</m></i></b>.
 You can <x>strikeout</x> any text you like.
 You can use a <h>large font</h> for emphasis, or a 
 <s>small font</s> for incidental notes.

If you put whitespace at the beginning of a paragraph, like those two just above this have, then they get displayed "preformatted", just as you typed them.

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Notebook exported on Monday, 7 July 2008, 18:56:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time