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 Tour 2

This page is part of a tour of Notebook's features.

Notebook is not WYSIWYG

WYSIWYG means "What you see is what you get." Most word processors are WYSIWYG. As you type, and add boldface or italics, you see them immediately.

Notebook is different. Instead, you type your pages in plain text, following a few simple conventions, and Notebook displays them nicely. It's similar to writing web pages, but Notebook's conventions are much simpler to type than HTML.

Why not make it WYSIWYG? Because it comes much easier for you to type and edit links to other pages, like these: Home, Index, Sandbox.

If you press the Edit button (it's the one with the pencil on it), you'll see what the text of this page really looks like. Press the Cancel button (the red "X") when you're done, unless you've made changes you want to save.

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Notebook exported on Monday, 7 July 2008, 18:56:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time