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 Tcl Mk4Tcl mk::file


Opening, closing, and saving datafiles



The mk::file command is used to open and close Metakit datafiles. It is also used to force pending changes to disk (commit), to cancel the last changes (rollback), and to send/receive the entire contents of a datafile over a Tcl channel, including sockets (load/save). Without arguments, 'mk::file open' returns the list of tags and filenames of all datasets which are currently open (of the form tag1 name1 tag2 name2 ...).

The 'mk::file open' command associates a datafile with a unique symbolic tag. A tag must consist of alphanumeric characters, and is used in the other commands to refer to a specfic open datafile. If filename is omitted, a temporary in-memory dataset is created (which cannot use commit, but which you could save to an I/O channel). When a datafile is closed, all pending changes will be written to file, unless the -nocommit option is specified. In that case, only an explicit commit will save changes. To open a file only for reading, use the -readonly option. Datafiles can be opened read-only by any number of readers, or by a single writer (no other combinations are allowed). There is an additional mode, specified by the -extend option: in this case changes are always written at the end of the datafile. This allows modifications by one writer without affecting readers. Readers can adjust to new changes made that way by doing a "rollback" (see below). The term is slightly confusing in this case, since it really is a "roll-forward" ... The -shared option causes an open datafile to be visible in every Tcl interpreter, with thread locking as needed. The datafile is still tied to the current interpreter and will be closed when that interpreter is terminated.

The 'mk::file views' command returns a list with the views currently defined in the open datafile associated with tag. You can use the 'mk::view layout' command to determine the current structure of each view.

The 'mk::file close' command closes the datafile and releases all associated resources. If not opened with -readonly or -nocommit, all pending changes will be saved to file before closing it. A tag loses its special meaning after the corresponding datafile has been closed.

The 'mk::file commit' command flushes all pending changes to disk. It should not be used on a file opened with the -readonly option. The optional -full argument is only useful when a commit-aside is active (see below). In that case, changes are merged back into the main datafile instead of being saved separately. The aside dataset is cleared.

The 'mk::file rollback' command cancels all pending changes and reverts the situation to match what was last stored on file. When commit-aside is active, a full rollback cause the state to be rollback to what it was without the aside changes. The aside dataset will be ignored from now on.

The 'mk::file load' command replaces all views with data read from any Tcl channel. This data must have been generated using 'mk::file save'. Changes are made permanent when commit is called (explicitly or implicitly, when a datafile is closed), or they can be reverted by calling rollback.

The 'mk::file aside' command starts a special "commit-aside" mode, whereby changes are saved to a second database file. This can be much faster that standard commits, because only changes are saved. In commit- aside mode, the main datafile will not be modified it all, in fact it can be opened in read-only mode.

The 'mk::file autocommit' command sets up a database file to automatically issue a commit when the file is closed later. This is useful if the file was initially opened in -nocommit mode, but you now want to change this setting (there is no way to return to -nocommit, although a rollback has a similar effect).


Open a datafile (create it if necessary), for read-write access: 
    mk::file open db test.dat
Display the structure of every view in the datafile: 
    foreach v [mk::file views db] {
        puts [mk::view layout db.$v]
Send all data across a TCP/IP socket connection: 
    set chan [socket 12345]
    mk::file save db $chan
    close $chan
The trick to open a datafile stored inside another MK file (e.g. in VFS) is to load/save data via an in-memory database - replace this: 
    mk::file open db test.dat -readonly
by this: 
    mk::file open db
    set fd [open test.dat]
    mk::file load db $fd
    close $fd

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