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 Tcl Mk4Tcl

MetaKit is a Tcl database library

MetaKit     Others
property    field
row         row
view        table

A basic example:

load MetaKit into the application:

    package require Mk4tcl

open a database:

    mk::file open db mydata.db

create a view in the database:

    set view [mk::view layout db.addressbook "name country"]

put rows of data in the view:

    mk::row append $view name "Mark Roseman" country "Canada"
    mk::row append $view name "Jean-Claude Wippler" country "The Netherlands"
    mk::row append $view name "Jeff Hobbs" country "Canada"

write the datafile to disk:

    mk::file commit $view

search the data:

    foreach row [mk::select $view country "Canada"] {
        puts [mk::get $view!$row name]

close the datafile

    mk::file close db


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