programming - windows - WM_SETTEXTWhat links here?
An application sends a WM_SETTEXT message to set the text of a window.


To send this message, call the SendMessage function as follows.

    lResult = SendMessage(      // returns LRESULT in lResult     
       (HWND) hWndControl,      // handle to destination control     
       (UINT) WM_SETTEXT,       // message ID     
       (WPARAM) wParam,         // = (WPARAM) () wParam;    
       (LPARAM) lParam          // = (LPARAM) () lParam; 


Return Value
The return value is TRUE if the text is set. It is FALSE (for an edit control), LB_ERRSPACE (for a list box), or CB_ERRSPACE (for a combo box) if insufficient space is available to set the text in the edit control. It is CB_ERR if this message is sent to a combo box without an edit control.

The DefWindowProc function sets and displays the window text. For an edit control, the text is the contents of the edit control. For a combo box, the text is the contents of the edit-control portion of the combo box. For a button, the text is the button name. For other windows, the text is the window title.

This message does not change the current selection in the list box of a combo box. An application should use the CB_SELECTSTRING message to select the item in a list box that matches the text in the edit control.

Message Information
programming - windows - WM_SETTEXT
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filename:programming - windows - WM_SETTEXT
last edit:March 27 2010 16:43:10 (5443 days ago)
ct = 1740079762.000000 = February 20 2025 14:29:22
ft = 1269722590.000000 = March 27 2010 16:43:10
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