programming - tcl/tk - tk_canvasWhat links here?

    canvas .cns -relief sunken -background "blue"
    .cns create polygon 5 100   50 5   150 5   200 100   5 100 \
        	-joinstyle bevel -fill "red" -outline "white" -width 5
    .cns create oval 200 100 300 200 -fill "green"
    .cns create oval 100 150 300 100 -fill "white" -width 0
    .cns create rectangle 10 150 100 250 -dash {6 4 2 4 2 4}
    pack .cns

tk - tk_canvas
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filename:programming - tcl/tk - tk_canvas
last edit:March 31 2009 21:49:02 (5804 days ago)
ct = 1740080241.000000 = February 20 2025 14:37:21
ft = 1238550542.000000 = March 31 2009 21:49:02
dt = 501529699.000000