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Programming C
clock() function
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clock_t clock ( void );
Returns the number of clock ticks elapsed since the program was launched.

The macro constant expression CLOCKS_PER_SEC specifies the relation between a clock tick and a second (clock ticks per second).

The initial moment of reference used by clock as the beginning of the program execution may vary between platforms. To calculate the actual processing times of a program, the value returned by clock should be compared to a value returned by an initial call to clock.



Return Value

The number of clock ticks elapsed since the program start. On failure, the function returns a value of -1.

clock_t is a type defined in ctime to some type capable of representing clock tick counts and support arithmetical operations (generally a long integer).

Defined in time.h.
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filename:programming - c - functions - clock()
last edit:April 19 2012 21:59:14 (4689 days ago)
ct = 1740080448.000000 = February 20 2025 14:40:48
ft = 1334887154.000000 = April 19 2012 21:59:14
dt = 405193294.000000