programming:windows:window value offsetsWhat links here?
These constants are used with the programming:windows:GetWindowLong and programming:windows:SetWindowLong functions.
  1. define GWL_USERDATA (-21)
  2. define GWLP_USERDATA (-21)
  3. define GWL_EXSTYLE (-20)
  4. define GWL_STYLE (-16)
  5. define GWL_ID (-12)
  6. define GWLP_ID (-12)
  7. define GWL_HWNDPARENT (-8)
  8. define GWLP_HWNDPARENT (-8)
  9. define GWL_HINSTANCE (-6)
  10. define GWLP_HINSTANCE (-6)
  11. define GWL_WNDPROC (-4)
  12. define GWLP_WNDPROC (-4)
  13. define DWL_MSGRESULT 0
  14. define DWLP_MSGRESULT 0
  15. define DWL_USER 8
  16. define DWLP_USER 8
programming:windows:window value offsets
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filename:programming:windows:window value offsets
last edit:March 26 2010 17:53:42 (5444 days ago)
ct = 1740080207.000000 = February 20 2025 14:36:47
ft = 1269640422.000000 = March 26 2010 17:53:42
dt = 470439785.000000