WM_NCCALCSIZEWhat links here?
The WM_NCCALCSIZE message is sent when the size and position of a window's client area must be calculated. By processing this message, an application can control the content of the window's client area when the size or position of the window changes.

A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.

      HWND hwnd,       // handle to window
      UINT uMsg,       // WM_NCCALCSIZE
      WPARAM wParam,   // validation flag (BOOL)
      LPARAM lParam    // data (LPNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS or LPRECT)


Return Values

RemarksThe window may be redrawn, depending on whether the CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW class style is specified. This is the default, backward-compatible processing of this message by the DefWindowProc function (in addition to the usual client rectangle calculation described in the preceding table).

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last edit:March 26 2010 17:22:52 (5167 days ago)
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