programming:microchip pics:14 bitWhat links here?

Byte-Oriented File Register Operations
07dfADDWFf,dAdd W and f (d) := (W) + (f)
05dfANDWFf,dAND W and f (d) := (W) AND (f)
01'1'fCLRFfClear f (f) := 0
01xxCLRW Clear WW :=0
09dfCOMFf,dComplement d := f NOT f
03dfDECFf,dDecrement d := f - 1
0BdfDECFSZf,d Decrement f, skip if zero d := f - 1, skip if 0
0AdfINCFf,d Increment f d := f + 1
0FdfINCFSZf,d Increment f, skip if zero d := f + 1, skip if 0
04dfIORWFf,d Inclusive OR W and f d := W OR f
08dfMOVFf,d Move f d := f
00'1'fMOVWFf Move W to f f := W
0000NOP No operation 
0DdfRLFf,d Rotate left f 
0CdfRRFf,d Rotate right f 
02dfSUBWFf,d Subtract W from f d := f - W
0EdfSWAPFf,d Swap halves f f(0:3) ? f(4:7) ? d
06dfXORWFf,d Exclusive OR W and f d := W .XOR. f
Bit-Oriented File Register Operations
4bf BCF f,b Bit b in register f is clearedf(b) := 0
5bf BSF f,b Bit b in register f is setf(b) := 1
6bf BTFSC f,b test bit b of register f, skip next instruction if clear skip if f(b) = 0
7bf BTFSS f,b test bit b of register f, skip next instruction if set skip if f(b) = 1
Literal and Control Operations
3Ekk ADDLW kk Add literal to W (W) := kk + (W)
39kk ANDLW kk AND literal and W (W) := kk AND (W)
2'0'kkk CALL kkk Call subroutine TOS := PC + 1
PC := kk
PC<12:11> := (PCLATH<4:3>)
0064 CLRWDT   Clear watchdog timer WDT (and Prescaler if assigned) := 0
2'1'kkk GOTO kkk Goto address (k is nine bits) PC(9 bits) := kkk
38kk IORLW kk Incl. OR literal and W WREG := kk OR WREG
30kk MOVLW kk Move Literal to W WREG := kk
0062 OPTION   Load OPTION register (1) OPTION Register := WREG
0009 RETFIE   Return from Interrupt PC := TOS, GIE := 1
34kk RETLW kk Return with literal in W WREG := kk, PC := TOS
0008 RETURN   Return from subroutine PC := TOS
0063 SLEEP   Go into Standby Mode WDT := 0, stop oscillator
3Ckk SUBLW kk Subtract W from literal WREG := kk - WREG
006r TRIS r Tristate port r (1)I/O control reg r := WREG
3Akk XORLW kk Exclusive OR literal and W WREG := kk XOR WREG
f = rgister file address (0x00 to 0x7F)
W = working register (accumulator)
b = bit address within an 8-bit file register
k = literal field, constant data or label
x = don't care location
d = destination select
  • d = 0: store result in W
  • d = 1 : store result in f
  • PC = program counter
    TO = time-out bit
    PD = power-down bit
    1. To maintain upward compatibility with future PIC16CXX products, do not use the OPTION and TRIS instructions.

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    filename:programming:microchip pics:14 bit
    last edit:March 26 2009 20:34:52 (5809 days ago)
    ct = 1740080180.000000 = February 20 2025 14:36:20
    ft = 1238114092.000000 = March 26 2009 20:34:52
    dt = 501966088.000000