up: programming:microchip pics:pic assembly language  
Pic Assembly Lanuage
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COUNT       equ 08h
LABEL       decfsz   COUNT,1
            goto LABEL

Here, COUNT declares a name the holds the value 08h. In this case, the label is used as a name for a memory location. LABEL defines a name for the location of the instruction that follows it on the line. This label can then be used as the target of goto's and call's. The actual value of LABEL is generated by the assembler.
programming:microchip pics:pic assembly language:labels
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filename:programming:microchip pics:pic assembly language:labels
last edit:June 12 2011 17:29:06 (4724 days ago)
ct = 1716097822.000000 = May 19 2024 01:50:22
ft = 1307914146.000000 = June 12 2011 17:29:06
dt = 408183676.000000