programming:c:function strrchrWhat links here?
Defined in string.h.

Find last occurrence of character in string.
Returns the last occurrence of c in string.
The null-terminating character is included as part of the string and can also be searched.


Return Value.


 const char * strrchr ( const char * string, int c );
       char * strrchr (       char * string, int c );
Both have the same behavior as the original declaration.


/* strrchr example */
  1. include
  2. include

int main () { char str[] = "This is a sample string"; char * pch; pch=strrchr(str,'s'); printf ("Last occurence of 's' found at %d \n",pch-str+1); return 0; }

Output: Last occurrence of 's' found at 18

See also.
strchr, strcspn, strcmp, strstr, memchr

programming:c:function strrchr
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filename:programming:c:function strrchr
last edit:March 29 2009 21:08:34 (5806 days ago)
ct = 1740080241.000000 = February 20 2025 14:37:21
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