programming - target - X Windows (X11)What links here?
X Windows (X11) is the graphical environment for most Unix or Unix-like systems, including *BSD and GNU/Linux; it provides access to screen, keyboard, and mouse. X11 is the Unix and Linux graphics drivers.

Graphics libraries for accessing the X11 protocol:

Xaw Motif GTK+ Qt XCB
X11 Protocol

the machine the which the graphical output will appear.
the actual physical display device; in most cases this will be a monitor. X11 allows for an arbitrary number of screens to be connected to each display.
a rectangular area of the screen that can be used for input and output. If the rectangular area is not directly associated with a screen, but instead resides in memory, it is referred to as a "pixmap". Pixmaps and windows share the property of being "drawable" and can be used interchangeably in some function calls.
The number of bits per pixel is also referred to as the number of planes in the graphics display.

programming - target - Xlib
programming - target - XCB
wikipedia: X Window System
Linux Journal: Learning to Use X11
X.Org documentation for X11R6.8.2
X Windows faqs
Wikibooks - X Window Programming
programming - target - X Windows (X11)
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filename:programming - target - X Windows (X11)
last edit:December 06 2013 12:49:24 (3816 days ago)
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