programming - C - function strpbrkWhat links here?
Defined in '''string.h'''.

Scan string for specified characters.

Scans string1 character by character, returning a pointer to the first character that matches with any of the characters in string2. The search does not includes the terminating null-characters.



Return Value

A pointer to the first appearance in string1 of a character specified in string2.

If none of the characters specified in string2 exists in string1, a NULL pointer is returned.


Defined in ANSI-C.

ANSI-C++ standard specifies two different declarations for this function instead of the one included in ANSI-C:

const char* strpbrk(const char* string1, const char* string2);
char* strpbrk(char* string1, const char* string2);

Both have the same behavior as the original declaration.


/* strpbrk example */
  1. include
  2. include

int main () { char str[] = "This is a sample string"; char key[] = "aeiou"; char * pch; printf ("Vowels in '%s': ",str); pch = strpbrk (str, key); while (pch != NULL) { printf ("%c " , *pch); pch = strpbrk (pch+1,key); } printf ("\n"); return 0; }

Output: Vowels in 'This is a sample string': i i a a e i

See also

[strcspn], programming c:function strchr, programming c:function strrchr, [strstr]
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