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int getc(FILE *stream)


The getc() function, which gets a character from a stream, is identical to the fgetc() function. The getc() function obtains the next byte (if present) as an unsigned char converted to an int, from the input stream pointed to by stream, and then advances the associated file position indicator for the stream (if defined).


Return Values

The getc() function returns the next character from the input stream pointed to by stream. If the stream is at the end of the file, the end-of-file indicator for the stream is set and getc() returns EOF. If a read error occurs, the error indicator for the stream is set and getc() returns EOF. The functions feof() and ferror() can be used to distinguish error conditions from EOF.

On failure, errno is set to one of the following values:
EACCES Another process has the file locked.
EBADF stdin is not a valid stream opened for reading.
EINTR A signal interrupted the call.
EIO An input error occurred.
EISDIR The open object is a directory, rather than a file.
ENOMEM Memory could not be allocated for internal buffers.
ENXIO A device error occurred.
EOVERFLOW The file is a regular file and an attempt was made to read at or beyond the offset maximum associated with the corresponding stream.
EWOULDBLOCK The underlying file descriptor is a non-blocking socket and no data is ready to be read.
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filename:programming - C - function getc
last edit:December 18 2012 19:07:52 (4168 days ago)
ct = 1716067891.000000 = May 18 2024 17:31:31
ft = 1355875672.000000 = December 18 2012 19:07:52
dt = 360192219.000000