microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - configWhat links here?

Bit Name Description
bit 13 CP Code Protection bit
0 = all program memory is protected
1 = code protection is disabled
bit 12 CP
bit 11 CP
bit 10 CP
bit 9 CP
bit 8 CP
bit 7 CP
bit 6 CP
bit 5 CP
bit 4 CP
bit 3 PWRTE 1 = power up timer disabled
bit 2 WDTE 1 = Watchdog enabled
bit 1 FOSC1 Oscillator Selection bits
11 = RC oscillator
10 = HS oscillator
01 = XT oscillator
00 = LP oscillator
bit 0 FOSC0

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filename:microprocessors - microchip 16F84A - config
last edit:March 26 2009 21:26:26 (5809 days ago)
ct = 1740079814.000000 = February 20 2025 14:30:14
ft = 1238117186.000000 = March 26 2009 21:26:26
dt = 501962628.000000