up: microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802  
Motorola MC5802
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PIN Signal Direction Description
9-20, 22-25 Address Output Address bus - drive 1 TTL load and 90 pF
26 - 33 Data Biderectional Data bus - drive 1 TTL load and 130 pF.
2 HALT Input When HALT is low, the machine stops at the end of an instruction, BA goes high, VMA goes low.
34 R/W Output 1 = Read/0 = Write. Drives one standard TTL load and 90 pF.
5 VMA Output 1 = indicates there is a valid address on the address bus. Drives one standard TTL load and 90 pF.
7 BA Output 1 = indicates the machine has stopped and the address bus is available. Result of HALT input being low, or the machine executing a WAIT instruction.
40 RESET Input Low = machine is inactive. Low to High transition starts the reset process.
4 IRQ Input Low indicates a request to execute the interrupt sequence.
6 NMI Input Low indicates a request to execute the non-maskable interrupt sequence.
3 MR Input Low causes internal clock to be stretched to accommodate slow memory.
36 RE Input 1 = internal RAM is enabled. 0 = internal RAM is disabled.
38,39 EXTAL, XTAL n/a Used for external crystal or clock input.
37 E Output Enable - phase 2 of internal clock. Drives 1 TTL load and 130 pF.
35 SBY Power Provides Vcc for the first 32 bytes of internal RAM and the RAM Enable (RE) logic.

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filename:microprocessors - MC6802 - signals
last edit:June 27 2012 20:18:02 (4620 days ago)
ct = 1740079743.000000 = February 20 2025 14:29:03
ft = 1340842682.000000 = June 27 2012 20:18:02
dt = 399237061.000000