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M6800 Assembler Directives
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(<label>) FCC <delimiter<string<delimiter> ()

The FCC directive is used to store ASCII strings into consecutive bytes of memory. The byte storage begins at the current program counter. The label is assigned to the first byte in the string. Any of the printable ASCII characters can be contained in the string. The string is specified between two identical delimiters which can be any printable ASCII character. The first non-blank character after the FCC directive is used as the delimiter.


     LABEL1    FCC  , ABC,

assembles ASCII ABC at location LABEL1
MC6802 - assembler - directives - fcc
filename:microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - directives - fcc
last edit:March 20 2010 11:25:02 (5469 days ago)
ct = 1741678803.000000 = March 11 2025 03:40:03
ft = 1269098702.000000 = March 20 2010 11:25:02
dt = 472580101.000000