up: microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler  
M6800 assembler
command line
What links here?
    as*   file1 (file2 . . . ) ( - option1 option2 . . . )

Where the options are:

^option^meaning^ |l|generate listing| |no|do not generate listing (default)| |cre|generate a cross reference table| |s|generate a symbol table| |c|enable cycle counting| |noc|disable cycle counting|

These options may also be supplied to the assembler by the use of the OPT directive in the source file.
MC6802 - assembler - command line
filename:microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - assembler - command line
last edit:June 22 2012 14:49:46 (4626 days ago)
ct = 1740080139.000000 = February 20 2025 14:35:39
ft = 1340390986.000000 = June 22 2012 14:49:46
dt = 399689153.000000