up: microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - accumulators  
m6800/m6802 instruction set
OR Accumulator
What links here?
OR memory with Accumulator
MemonicMode OpcodeCyclesBytes
ORAA Immediate 8A 2 2
Direct 9A 3 2
Indexed AA 5 2
Extended BA 4 3
ORAB Immediate CA 2 2
Direct DA 5 2
Indexed EA 5 2
Extended FA 4 3

A = A or M
B = B or M

H not affected
N set if bit 7 is 1
Z set if all bits are 0
V set to zero
C not affected
MC6802 - instruction set - OR Accumulator
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filename:microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - OR Accumulator
last edit:February 06 2010 09:32:26 (5215 days ago)
ct = 1716091879.000000 = May 19 2024 00:11:19
ft = 1265466746.000000 = February 06 2010 09:32:26
dt = 450625133.000000