up: programming:m6800/m6802:instruction set:x register|x register  
m6800/m6802 instruction set
Copy Index Register to stack pointer
What links here?
Copy Index Register to Stack Pointer
MemonicMode OpcodeCyclesBytes
TXS Inherent 35 4 1

SP := X - 1

no flags are set
MC6802 - instruction set - Copy Index Register to stack pointer
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filename:microprocessors - MC6800/MC6802 - instruction set - Copy Index Register to stack pointer
last edit:January 30 2010 16:28:14 (5222 days ago)
ct = 1716069483.000000 = May 18 2024 17:58:03
ft = 1264886894.000000 = January 30 2010 16:28:14
dt = 451182589.000000