The graphics state is determined by the current values of a number of parameters that the reader maintains:
Device-Independent Graphics State Parameters |
Parameter | Type | Description |
CTM | array | The current transformation matrix, which maps the user space coordinates to the device space coordinates |
clipping path | internal | The boundary of output. |
color space | name or array | The current color space in which color values are interpreted |
color | various | the current color used during painting operation |
text state | various | used in painting text |
line width | number | the thickness used to stroke paths |
line cap | integer | code for the shape of stroke ends |
line join | integer | code for the shape of joints between connected segments of a stroked path |
miter limit | number | The maximum length of mitered line joins for stroked paths |
dash pattern | array and number | A description of the dash pattern to be used when paths are stroked |
stroke adjustment | boolean | ofutput |