file formats - PDF - info dictionariesWhat links here?
Key TypeMandatory?Description
Title text stringOptionalThe Document's Title
Author text stringOptionalName of the person who created the document
Subject text stringOptionalThe subject of the document
Keywords text stringOptionalKeywords
Creator text stringOptionalIf converted from another format, the name of the product that created the original document
Producer text stringOptionalIf converted from another format, the name of the product that converted it to PDF
CreationDatedate OptionalDate and time the document was created
ModDate date OptionalDate and time of most recent modification
Trapped name OptionalHas the document been modified to include trapping information

Typical info object:
5 0 obj
/Title (my first pdf)
/Author (John A Dearden)
/Subject (output of a test program)
/Keywords (test, pdf, program)
/CreationDate (D:20130216223614-08'00)
file formats - PDF - info dictionaries
Topical Bible - The Day of the Lord
Topical Bible - Satan
MC6802 - instruction set - Branch if Higher
programmming - X Windows (X11)
Topical Bible - Salvation
MC6802 - instruction set - jump and branch
programming - C - function strdup
Topical Bible - Melchizedek
programming - C - function putch(int char)
microprocessors - microchip 16F87XA
filename:file formats - PDF - info dictionaries
last edit:February 22 2017 20:21:47 (2641 days ago)
ct = 1716062059.000000 = May 18 2024 15:54:19
ft = 1487812907.000000 = February 22 2017 20:21:47
dt = 228249152.000000