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Message Format
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Modbus RTU
Field size range of values
slave address 8 bits 0-255 (1)
function code 8 bits commands
data variable0 to 252 bytes
Error check 16 bitsCRC

1Slave Address
2Function Code
3Address of first register (high)
4Address of first register (low)
5Total number of registers requested (high)
6Total number of registers requested (low)
7CRC (low)
7CRC (high)

1Slave Address
2Function Code
3Number of bytes following (not including CRC)
4Byte 1
5Byte 2
3 + n + 1CRC (high)
3 + n + 2CRC (low)

embedded systems - modbus - message format - RTU
file formats - PDF - xref table
Topical Bible - God took him
filename:embedded systems - modbus - message format - RTU
last edit:October 08 2019 16:50:08 (1961 days ago)
ct = 1740080514.000000 = February 20 2025 14:41:54
ft = 1570567808.000000 = October 08 2019 16:50:08
dt = 169512706.000000