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NPDU Header
1Version (0x01)
1Control Flags
0, 3, or 4possible destination specifier
0 or 4possible source specifier
0 or 1possible hop count

    | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
 1: | m | 0 | d | 0 | s | r | prior | Control Flags

Control Flags
7m0 = NSDU contains: BACnet APDU, message type field absent.
5dDestination Specifier Present
3sSource specifier Present
2rExpecting Reply: Other than a BACnet-Confirmed-Request-PDU, segment of BACnet-ComplexACK-PDU or network layer message expecting a reply present.
1, 0priorPriority

if Destination Specifier is true, a destination address is present.

If the Destination MAC layer Address Length is zero, the message is a broadcast on the destination network, and the destination MAC Layer Address is not present.

00482ff ffDestination Network Address: 65535
005010Destination MAC Layer Address Length: 0 indicates Broadcast on Destination Network

If the Destination MAC layer Address Length is greater than zero, the destination MAC Layer Address is present.

004824Destination Network Address
005011Destination MAC Layer Address Length: greater than 0 indicates the MAC Layer address present
0050len32Destination MAC Layer Address

If Source specifier is true, a source address is present.

004824Source Network Address
005011Source MAC Layer Address Length
0050len32Source MAC Layer Address

From the same network (IP)
    | BACnet Virtual Link Control                   |
 0: | Type                                          | 81 = Type: BACnet/IP (Annex J)
 1: | Function                                      | 0b = Function: Original-Broadcast-NPDU
 2: | BACnet packet length                          | 00
 3: |                                               | 18
    | Building Automation and Control Network NPDU  |
 4: | Version                                       | 01 = (ASHRAE 135-1995)
 5: |  m  |  0  |  d  |  0  |  s  |  r  | priority  | 20 (see above)
 6: | Destination Network Address                   | FF
 7: |                                               | FF = broadcast
 8: | Destination MAC Layer Address                 | 00 = broadcast on destination network
 9: | Hop Count                                     | FF

From a different network (MSTP)
    | BACnet Virtual Link Control                   |
 0: | Type                                          | 81 = Type: BACnet/IP (Annex J)
 1: | Function                                      | 0b = Function: Original-Broadcast-NPDU
 2: | BACnet packet length                          | 00
 3: |                                               | 1c
    | Building Automation and Control Network NPDU  |
 4: | Version                                       | 01 = (ASHRAE 135-1995)
 5: |  m  |  0  |  d  |  0  |  s  |  r  | priority  | 28 dest present, source present (see above)
 6: | Destination Network Address                   | FF
 7: |                                               | FF = broadcast
 8: | Destination MAC Layer Address                 | 00 = broadcast on destination network
 9: | Source Network Address                        | 00
10: |                                               | 04 = network 4
11: | Source MAC Layer Address Length               | 01
12: | Source Address                                | 32
13: | Hop Count                                     | fe

To the same network (IP)
    | BACnet Virtual Link Control                   |
 0: | Type                                          | 81 = Type: BACnet/IP (Annex J)
 1: | Function                                      | 0a = Original-Unicast-NPDU
 2: | BACnet packet length                          | 00
 3: |                                               | 11
    | Building Automation and Control Network NPDU  |
 4: | Version                                       | 01 = (ASHRAE 135-1995)
 5: |  m  |  0  |  d  |  0  |  s  |  r  | priority  | 04 = reply expected

To a different network (MSTP)
    | BACnet Virtual Link Control                   |
 0: | Type                                          | 81 = Type: BACnet/IP (Annex J)
 1: | Function                                      | 0a = Original-Unicast-NPDU
 2: | BACnet packet length                          | 00
 3: |                                               | 16
    | Building Automation and Control Network NPDU  |
 4: | Version                                       | 01 = (ASHRAE 135-1995)
 5: |  m  |  0  |  d  |  0  |  s  |  r  | priority  | 24 = dest present, reply expected
 6: | Destination Network Address                   | 00
 7: |                                               | 04 = network 4
 8: | Destination MAC Layer Address Length          | 01
 9: | Destination MAC Layer Address                 | 20
10: | Hop Count                                     | 255
embedded systems - bacnet - NPDU Header
MC6802 - instruction set - Push Accumulator
filename:embedded systems - bacnet - NPDU Header
last edit:June 27 2015 18:34:12 (3525 days ago)
ct = 1740080058.000000 = February 20 2025 14:34:18
ft = 1435444452.000000 = June 27 2015 18:34:12
dt = 304635606.000000