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embedded systems - bacnet - Analog Input propertiesWhat links here?
tablerowObject_IdentifierYesAnalog Input #1
77Object_NameYes"AI 01"
tablerowObject_TypeYesAnalog Input
tablerowDescriptionNo"Outside Air Temperature"
tablerowDevice_TypeNo"10k Thermistor"
111Status_FlagsYesIn_Alarm, Fault, Overridden, Out_Of_Service flags
36Event_StateYesNormal (plus various problem-reporting states)
tablerowReliabilityNoNo_Fault_Detected (plus various fault conditions)
tablerowUpdate_IntervalNo1.00 (seconds)
tablerowMin_Pres_ValueNo-100.0, minimum reliably read value
tablerowMax_Pres_ValueNo+300.0, maximum reliably read value
tablerowCOV_IncrementNoNotify if Present_Value changes by increment: 0.5
tablerowTime_DelayNoSeconds to wait before detecting out-of-range: 5
tablerowNotification_ClassNoSend COV notification to Notification Class Object: 2
tablerowHigh_LimitNo+215.0, Upper normal range
tablerowLow_LimitNo-45.0, Lower normal range
tablerowLimit_EnableNoEnable High-limit-reporting, Low-limit-reporting.
tablerowEvent_EnableNoEnable To_Offnormal, To_Fault, To_Normal change reporting.
tablerowAcked_TransitionsNoFlags indicating received acknowledgments for above changes.
tablerowNotify_TypeNoEvents or Alarms
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filename:embedded systems - bacnet - Analog Input properties
last edit:June 24 2015 20:02:07 (3528 days ago)
ct = 1740079719.000000 = February 20 2025 14:28:39
ft = 1435190527.000000 = June 24 2015 20:02:07
dt = 304889192.000000