up: embedded systems - bacnet - specific messages  
embedded systems - bacnet - messages - confirmed request - readpropertymultipleWhat links here?
81 0a 00 76 01 04 00 05 d2 0e 0c 00 00 00 05 1e 
09 4d 09 55 09 24 09 51 0a 02 00 1f 0c 00 00 00 
01 1e 09 4d 09 55 09 24 09 51 0a 02 00 1f 0c 00 
00 00 04 1e 09 4d 09 55 09 24 09 51 0a 02 00 1f 
0c 00 00 00 03 1e 09 4d 09 55 09 24 09 51 0a 02 
00 1f 0c 00 00 00 06 1e 09 4d 09 55 09 24 09 51
0a 02 00 1f 0c 00 00 00 02 1e 09 4d 09 55 09 24
09 51 0a 02 00 1f
    | BACnet Virtual Link Control                   |
 0: | type                                          | 81 = Type: BACnet/IP (Annex J)
 1: | function                                      | 0A = original-unicast-NPDU
 2: | BACnet packet length                          | 00 07 = 118 bytes
 3: |                                               |
    | Building Automation and Control Network NPDU  |
 4: | Version                                       | 01 = (ASHRAE 135-1995)
 5: |  m  |  0  |  d  |  0  |  s  |  r  | priority  | 04 = expecting reply
    | Building Automation and Control Network APDU  |
 6: |  PDU-type             |  s  |  m  |  a  |  0  | 00 = PDU Type = confirmed-REQ, unsegmented request
 7: |  0  |  max seg        | max APDU              | 05 = Maximum APDU accepted is up to 1476 octets
 8: | Invoke ID                                     | d2 = invoke id 210 
 9: | Service Choice                                | 0E = readPropertyMultiple (14)
10: | Context Tag 0                                 | 0C = context tag 0, length 4
11: |                                               | 00 = object type 0
12: |                                               | 00 = instance number 5
13: |                                               | 00
14: |                                               | 05
15: | Named Tag: Opening Tag                        | 1E
16: | Context Tag                                   | 09 = context tag, length = 1
17: | Property Identifier: object-name              | 4D = object name (77)
18: | Context Tag                                   | 09 = context tag, length = 1
19: | Property Identifier: present value            | 55 = present value (85)

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filename:embedded systems - bacnet - messages - confirmed request - readpropertymultiple
last edit:July 19 2015 16:35:02 (3226 days ago)
ct = 1716067896.000000 = May 18 2024 17:31:36
ft = 1437338102.000000 = July 19 2015 16:35:02
dt = 278729794.000000