up: embedded systems - bacnet - specific messages  
embedded systems - bacnet - message formats - i-amWhat links here?
From a device on the same network:
 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
81 0b 00 18 01 20 ff ff 00 ff 10 00 c4 02 00 00 f5 22 05 c4 91 00 21 11
ll ll ll ll nn nn nn nn nn nn aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa

 0: | APDU type             | PDU Flags             | 10 = Unconfirmed-REQ, no more segments follow
 1: | Unconfirmed Service Choice                    | 00 = iAm
 2: | Application Tag       | cls | len/val/type    | C4 = ojbect id, class = application tag, len = 4
 3: | Application Tag Data                          | 02
 4: |                                               | 00
 5: |                                               | 00
 6: |                                               | f5 object = 8 (device), id = 245
 7: | Application Tag       | cls | len/val/type    | 22 = unsigned integer, class = application tag, length = 2
 8: | Application Tag Data                          | 05
 9: |                                               | c4 = Maximum APDU Length Accepted = 1476
10: | Application Tag       | cls | len/val/type    | 91 = Application Tag: Enumerated Value, length = 1
11: | Application Tag Data                          | 00 = Segmentation supported: both
12: | Application Tag       | cls | len/val/type    | 21 = unsigned integer, class = application tag, length = 1
13: | Application Tag Data                          | 11 = Vendor Identifier = 17 = Honeywell
Application Tags:
1Object IdDevice Object Id
2unsigned integerMaximum APDU Length Accepted
3EnumerationSegmentation supported
4unsigned integerVender Identifier Official List

Values for Maximum APDU Length Accepted:

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filename:embedded systems - bacnet - message formats - i-am
last edit:April 13 2016 20:10:11 (2956 days ago)
ct = 1716057325.000000 = May 18 2024 14:35:25
ft = 1460592611.000000 = April 13 2016 20:10:11
dt = 255464714.000000