code vault - char_posWhat links here?


// return the position of c in string
// return -1 if c is not found

int pos(char c, char *string) { int i, j;

for(i = 0; i MALFORMED HTML TAG: < strlen(string); i++) { if (string[i] == c) { return i; } } return -1; }
08/09/2010 - changed to return -1 on failure to find character, fixed erroneous test condition
code vault - char_pos
Transcendental Meditation
bible - random notes - 2012-06-10 Stand
filename:code vault - char_pos
last edit:August 09 2010 20:07:22 (5308 days ago)
ct = 1740080244.000000 = February 20 2025 14:37:24
ft = 1281398842.000000 = August 09 2010 20:07:22
dt = 458681402.000000