Hebrew had ceased to be an everyday spoken language by around 200 CE, and survived into the medieval period only as the language of Jewish liturgy and rabbinic literature. Then, in the 19th century, it was revived as a spoken and literary language,
Wikipedia: Hebrew language
bible - hebrew - almah (virgin, young woman)
bible - Hebrew - hinneh - Here I am
bible - hebrew - nĕshamah (breath, spirit)
bible - hebrew - mal'ak (angel, messenger)
bible - hebrew - ruwach (wind, breath, mind, spirit)
bible - Hebrew - satan (adversary)
bible - Hebrew - towphaphah (phylacteries)
bible - hebrew - Leviticus 11:20
bible - hebrew - Leviticus 19:28
bible - hebrew - Psalms 7:4
bible - hebrew - Isaiah 32:11
Jewish Virtual Library: Rephaim
Got Questions: Rephaim
Scholars Gateway
Hebrew Vowel Marks
kata biblon Greek Septuagint