bible - random notes - 2012-09-26 Are you sure?What links here?

In the story, it turns out that the 'god' that has given his followers the certainty of a future reward is no god at all, but a powerful mortal being that has hoodwinked his followers into believing what he wants them to believe so they will do his bidding. This says something about human nature, and our willingness to believe in something without facts to back up that belief. Many today would put Christians, or any member of any belief system ("religion") in that category. "Science has proved there is no God", etc.

It is true that God has chosen to not give us much in the way of hard evidence to His existence. It would appear this is because His desire is for believers, not "knowers":

Atheistic Evolutionists, on the other hand, are the ones who really grasp at what is not there. They weave epic stories of eons of time based on really no evidence at all. Nobody has gone back in time to report on conditions there to corroborate the ideas that evolutionists claim as fact. For instance, take radiocarbon dating. Here is a process that at it's very core is random. Given one particular 14C atom, no one can say when it will decay into 14N. But given a whole pile of them, the process is supposed to be regular as a clock? Then there is the issue of half-life itself. If I have a billion 14C atoms, in one half-life half of them will have decayed. How can that be? Do they talk to one another "It's not your turn to decay, it's mine."? Add to this the fact that human's have only know about radioactive decay for about 100 years, so how do we know the half life is 14,000 years? Nobody as measured it! Extrapolation? Engineers know that extrapolation is a very dangerous thing. Again, the age measuring process is based on the assumption that the ratio of 14C to 12C has remained constant in the atmosphere. Again, nobody has gone back in time to measure the ratio. Seems like wishful thinking to me. Finally there is the measuring process itself. 14C atoms exist amongst 12C atoms on the order of 1 per billion. And they are really small. Can we really tell the difference between, say 101 and 102 14C atoms in a chuck of something? One atom difference ought to make a rather large difference in age.

See bible - random notes - 2012-06-10 Are you sure? for a different aspect of being sure.
See bible - random notes - 2012-09-26 Certainty and our response for another idea from the same passage from the book.
bible - random notes - 2012-09-26 Are you sure?
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filename:bible - random notes - 2012-09-26 Are you sure?
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