From the September 2016 version of Raspbian, VNC Server is built-in to the Raspberry Pi, licensed for non-commercial use and ready to use.
Use raspi-config to turn it on under advanced.
ORInstalling or upgrading VNC Server manually
If you are using a version of Raspbian older than September 2016 or a different distribution entirely, you must install VNC Server manually.
On your Raspberry Pi, either download the VNC DEB package, or run the following commands sequentially:
curl -L -o VNC.tar.gz
tar xvf VNC.tar.gz
Install VNC Server (installing VNC Viewer as well means you can remotely access computers from your Pi, if you wish):
sudo dpkg -i <VNC-Server-package-name>.deb [<VNC-Viewer-package-name>.deb]
As VNC Server on Raspberry Pi is automatically licensed, you can now run VNC Server.
to start the VNC Server
If you want the VNC Server to run automatically, do this:
sudo systemctl enable vncserver-x11-serviced.service
To undo the able, do this:
sudo systemctl stop vncserver-x11-serviced.service
These don't take affect until the pi is restarted.
Using VNC on the Raspberry Pi
Running VNCServer at Startup (doesn't work)