up: embedded systems - Raspberry PI  
Raspberry PI - Configure without monitor or keyboardWhat links here?
  1. ssh pi@<ip address>
    password is raspberry
  2. sudo raspi-config for configuration
  3. change the ip address:
    1. sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf
    2. at the bottom of the file, add:
      • interface eth0

        static ip_address=
        static routers=
        static domain_name_servers=
    3. or
      • interface wlan0

        static ip_address=
        static routers=
        static domain_name_servers=
    4. control-x to exit the editor
    5. sudo reboot to reboot

Headless setup: no keyboard, display or frustration
How can I burn a Raspberry Pi image to SD card from Ubuntu?
How to give your Raspberry Pi a Static IP Address - UPDATE
Raspberry PI - Configure without monitor or keyboard
Bible passages - Matthew 22:12
programming - javascript - HTML DOM
programming:c:function substr
Raspberry PI - write disk image to sd card
MC6802 - instruction set - Increment Accumulator
programming:c:format string flags
D Converters with SPI Serial Interface
Raspberry PI - Configure a Raspberry pi zero W without monitor or keyboard
MC6802 - instruction set - Increment Index Register
filename:Raspberry PI - Configure without monitor or keyboard
last edit:October 01 2016 18:44:11 (2786 days ago)
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ft = 1475361851.000000 = October 01 2016 18:44:11
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