AutoCAD Entity Definitions - textWhat links here?
(-1 . <Entity name: 21281b0>) 			entity name
(0 . "TEXT") 					text name of entity type
(5 . "105") 					entity handle
(67 . 0) 					model or paper space
(8 . "0") 					layer name
(62 . 256) 					color number
(6 . "BYLAYER") 				linetype name
(48 . 1.00000) 					linetype scale factor
(60 . 0) 					entity visibility
(39 . 0.000000) 				thickness
(10 0.0666667 -0.200000 0.000000) 		start point
(40 . 0.100000) 				text height
(1 . "2") 					text value
(50 . 0.000000) 				text angle
(41 . 1.00000) 					text scale factor				
(51 . 0.000000)					obliquing angle 						
(7 . "STANDARD") 				text style name
(71 . 0) 							
(72 . 1) 					justification 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right, 3 = aligned, 4 = middle 5 = fit
(11 0.100000 -0.200000 0.000000) 		insertion point or second fit point, if non-zero
(210 0.000000 0.000000 1.00000) 		Extrusion direction 
(73 . 0)                                        vertical justfification 0 or 1 = bottom, 2 = middle, 3 = top (used with 72 = 0, 1, or 2)

AutoCAD Entity Definitions - text
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filename:AutoCAD Entity Definitions - text
last edit:September 08 2012 10:59:20 (4566 days ago)
ct = 1741678700.000000 = March 11 2025 03:38:20
ft = 1347116360.000000 = September 08 2012 10:59:20
dt = 394562340.000000