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AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL)
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The button has the following possible attributes:

action action = "(function)"; Specifies an AutoLISP expression to perform an action when this tile is selected.
alignment For a tile that is a child of a column, the possible values are left, right, or centered (default is left).
For a tile that is a child of a row, the possible values are top, bottom, or centered (default is centered).
is_cancel true or false Selecting the button causes the dialog to be terminated if the button's action does not call done_dialog.
is_default true or false Specifies whether the button is the default button selected (“pushed”) when the user presses the accept key.
is_enabled true or false determines if tile is accessible to user
is_tab_stop true or false Specifies whether the tile receives keyboard focus when the user moves between tiles by pressing the Tab key.
key unique string the name the program uses to refer to this tile
label string The text to be displayed in the tile.
If a character is preceded by an ampersand, that character is the mnemonic.
mnemonic single character Focus goes to this tile when the character is pressed.
widthintegerwidth in unknown units

    : button {
        label = "Ductwork";
        key = "1";
        value = "ductwork";
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - button
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filename:AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - button
last edit:July 28 2013 21:32:28 (4243 days ago)
ct = 1741678701.000000 = March 11 2025 03:38:21
ft = 1375061548.000000 = July 28 2013 21:32:28
dt = 366617153.000000