up: AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL)  
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL)
(new_dialog dlgname dcl_id {action {screen-pt}})
What links here?
Begins a new dialog box and displays it, and can also specify a default action

(new_dialog dlgname dcl_id screen-pt)

A string that specifies the dialog box.
The DCL file identifier obtained by load_dialog .
A string that contains an AutoLISP expression to use as the default action. If you don't want to define a default action, specify an empty string (""). The action argument is required if you specify screen-pt.

The default action is evaluated when the user picks an active tile that doesn't have an action or callback explicitly assigned to it by action_tile or in DCL.

A 2D point list that specifies the X,Y location of the dialog box on the screen. The point specifies the upper-left corner of the dialog box. If you pass the point as'(-1 -1), the dialog box is opened in the default position (the center of the AutoCAD drawing area).

Return Values
T, if successful; otherwise nil.
AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - (new_dialog dlgname dcl_id {action {screen-pt}})
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filename:AutoCAD - Dialog Control Language (DCL) - (new_dialog dlgname dcl_id {action {screen-pt}})
last edit:July 29 2013 19:41:50 (3946 days ago)
ct = 1716088857.000000 = May 18 2024 23:20:57
ft = 1375141310.000000 = July 29 2013 19:41:50
dt = 340947547.000000