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The WM_CTLCOLOR message is used in 16-bit versions of Windows to change the color scheme of list boxes, the list boxes of combo boxes, message boxes, button controls, edit controls, static controls, and dialog boxes.

Note For information related to this message and 32-bit versions of Windows, see Remarks.

          (HWND) hwnd, 
          WM_CTLCOLOR ,
          (WPARAM) wParam, 
          (LPARAM) lParam


Return Value

If an application processes this message, it returns a handle to a brush. The system uses the brush to paint the background of the control.


In 32-bit versions of Windows, the WM_CTLCOLOR message has been replaced by more specific notifications. These replacements include the following:


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Notebook exported on Monday, 7 July 2008, 18:56:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time