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The WM_IME_COMPOSITION message is sent to an application when the IME changes composition status as a result of a keystroke. An application should process this message if it displays composition characters itself. Otherwise, it should send the message to the IME window.

A window receives this message through its WindowProc function.

      HWND hwnd,       // handle to window
      WM_IME_COMPOSITION,   // message
      WPARAM wParam,   // DBCS character
      LPARAM lParam    // change indicator


For more information about these values, see IME Composition String Values.

Return Values

This message has no return value.


If the application has created an IME window, it should pass this message to that window. The DefWindowProc function processes this message by passing it to the default IME window. The IME window processes this message by updating its appearance based on the change flag specified. An application can call ImmGetCompositionString to retrieve the new composition status.

If none of the GCS_ values are set, the message indicates that the current composition has been canceled and applications that draw the composition string should delete the string.


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Notebook exported on Monday, 7 July 2008, 18:56:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time