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The SetScrollInfo function sets the parameters of a scroll bar, including the minimum and maximum scrolling positions, the page size, and the position of the scroll box (thumb). The function also redraws the scroll bar, if requested.


    int SetScrollInfo(  
        HWND hwnd,
        int fnBar,
        LPCSCROLLINFO lpsi,
        BOOL fRedraw


Return Value

The return value is the current position of the scroll box.


The SetScrollInfo function performs range checking on the values specified by the nPage and nPos members of the SCROLLINFO structure. The nPage member must specify a value from 0 to nMax - nMin +1. The nPos member must specify a value between nMin and nMax - max( nPage– 1, 0). If either value is beyond its range, the function sets it to a value that is just within the range.

If the fnBar parameter is SB_CTL and the window specified by the hwnd parameter is not a system scroll bar control, the system sends the SBM_SETSCROLLINFO message to the window to set scroll bar information (The system can optimize the message to SBM_SETPOS or SBM_SETRANGE if the request is solely for the position or range). This allows SetScrollInfo to operate on a custom control that mimics a scroll bar. If the window does not handle SBM_SETSCROLLINFO (or the optimized SBM_SETPOS message or SBM_SETRANGE message), then the SetScrollInfo function fails.

Function Information

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Notebook exported on Monday, 7 July 2008, 18:56:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time