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 Sending A Message

The SendMessage function is used to send a message directly to a window procedure. SendMessage calls a window procedure and waits for that procedure to process the message and return a result.

A message can be sent to any window in the system; all that is required is a window handle. The system uses the handle to determine which window procedure should receive the message.

Before processing a message that may have been sent from another thread, a window procedure should first call the [InSendMessage] function. If this function returns TRUE, the window procedure should call [ReplyMessage] before any function that causes the thread to yield control, as shown in the following example.

case WM_USER + 5: 
    if (InSendMessage()) 
    DialogBox(hInst, "MyDialogBox", hwndMain, (DLGPROC) MyDlgProc); 

A number of messages can be sent to controls in a dialog box. These control messages set the appearance, behavior, and content of controls or retrieve information about controls. For example, the [CB_ADDSTRING] message can add a string to a combo box, and the BM_SETCHECK message can set the check state of a check box or radio button.

Use the [SendDlgItemMessage] function to send a message to a control, specifying the identifier of the control and the handle of the dialog box window that contains the control. The following example, taken from a dialog box procedure, copies a string from a combo box's edit control into its list box. The example uses SendDlgItemMessage to send a [CB_ADDSTRING] message to the combo box.

HWND hwndCombo; 
int cTxtLen; 
PSTR pszMem; 
switch (uMsg) 
    case WM_COMMAND: 
        switch (LOWORD(wParam)) 
            case IDD_ADDCBITEM: 
                // Get the handle of the combo box and the 
                // length of the string in the edit control 
                // of the combo box. 
                hwndCombo = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDD_COMBO); 
                cTxtLen = GetWindowTextLength(hwndCombo); 
                // Allocate memory for the string and copy 
                // the string into the memory. 
                pszMem = (PSTR) VirtualAlloc((LPVOID) NULL, 
                    (DWORD) (cTxtLen + 1), MEM_COMMIT, 
                GetWindowText(hwndCombo, pszMem, 
                    cTxtLen + 1); 
                // Add the string to the list box of the 
                // combo box and remove the string from the 
                // edit control of the combo box. 
                if (pszMem != NULL) 
                    SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDD_COMBO, 
                        CB_ADDSTRING, 0, 
                        (DWORD) ((LPSTR) pszMem)); 
                    SetWindowText(hwndCombo, (LPSTR) NULL); 
                // Free the memory and return. 
                VirtualFree(pszMem, 0, MEM_RELEASE); 
                return TRUE; 
            // Process other dialog box commands. 
    // Process other dialog box messages. 

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