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The LOGBRUSH structure defines the style, color, and pattern of a physical brush. It is used by the CreateBrushIndirect and ExtCreatePen functions.

    typedef struct tagLOGBRUSH { 
      UINT     lbStyle; 
      COLORREF lbColor; 
      LONG     lbHatch; 



Although lbColor controls the foreground color of a hatch brush, the SetBkMode and SetBkColor functions control the background color.

Windows 95: Creating brushes from bitmaps or DIBs larger than 8 by 8 pixels is not supported. If a larger bitmap is specified, only a portion of the bitmap is used.

Windows NT/2000 and Windows 98/Me: Brushes can be created from bitmaps or DIBs larger than 8 by 8 pixels.


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