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The CREATESTRUCT structure defines the initialization parameters passed to the window procedure of an application. These members are identical to the parameters of the CreateWindowEx function.


    typedef struct tagCREATESTRUCT { 
      LPVOID        lpCreateParams; 
      HINSTANCE     hInstance; 
      HMENU         hMenu; 
      HWND          hwndParent; 
      int           cy; 
      int           cx; 
      int           y; 
      int           x; 
      LONG          style; 
      LPCTSTR       lpszName; 
      LPCTSTR       lpszClass; 
      DWORD         dwExStyle; 



Windows NT/2000 or later: You should access the data represented by the lpCreateParams member using a pointer that has been declared using the UNALIGNED type, because the pointer may not be DWORD aligned. This is demonstrated in the following code example:

    typedef struct tagMyData { 
    // Define creation data here. 
    } MYDATA; 
    typedef struct tagMyDlgData { 
        SHORT cbExtra; 
        MYDATA myData; 
    PMYDLGDATA pMyDlgdata = (PMYDLGDATA) (((LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam)->lpCreateParams); 


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