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 Tcl: lists

A Tcl list holds a sequence of elements, each of which can be a number, a string, or another list.

You can create an empty list with the list command:

    set user_codes [list]

You can create a list of things with the list command:

    set stuff [list foo bar zot]

or a literal list:

    set stuff2 {thing1 thing2 thing3}

[llength] returns the number of elements in the list.

    set foo [list 1 2 [list 3 4 5]] ==> 1 2 {3 4 5}
    llength $foo ==> 3

lindex returns the nth element of the list. The fist element is 0 (zero), like in C. lindex returns an empty string if the requested element is off the end of the list.

    set foo [list 1 2 [list 3 4 5]] ==> 1 2 {3 4 5}
    lindex $foo 0 ==> 1

[lsearch] returns the index of the list element that matches the argument or -1 if none match.

    set community_colleges [list "caltech" "cmu" "rpi"]
    lsearch -exact $community_colleges "caltech" ==> 0
    lsearch -exact $community_colleges "harvard" ==> -1

[lrange] returns a subset of the elements in the list:

    set foo [list 1 2 [list 3 4 5]] ==> 1 2 {3 4 5}
    lrange $foo 1 2 ==> 2 {3 4 5}

[lappend] adds an element(s) to the end of a list:

    set foo [list 1 2 [list 3 4 5]] ==> 1 2 {3 4 5}
    lappend foo [list 6 7] ==> 1 2 {3 4 5} {6 7}

[linsert] inserts an element or elements in a list before the given element:

    set foo [list 1 2 [list 3 4 5]] ==> 1 2 {3 4 5}
    linsert $foo 0 0  ==> 0 1 2 {3 4 5} {6 7}

[lreplace] replaces a range of elements in a list with the arguements and returns the new list. The original list is unchanged.

    set foo [list 1 2 [list 3 4 5]] ==> 1 2 {3 4 5}
    lreplace $foo 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 ==> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    set foo ==> 1 2 {3 4 5} {6 7}

[lsort] sorts the elements of a list:

    set my_friends [list "herschel" "schlomo" "mendel"]
    set my_sorted_friends [lsort -decreasing $my_friends] ==> schlomo mendel herschel 

[concat] will merge two or more lists.

    set my_friends [list "herschel" "schlomo" "mendel"]
    set my_wifes_friends [list "biff" "christine" "clarissa"]
    concat $my_wifes_friends $my_friends ==> biff christine clarissa herschel schlomo mendel

split will break a string into lists at the given character.

    set my_ip_address ==>
    set ip_elements [split $my_ip_address "."] ==> four element list,
    with values 18 1 2 3

[join] creates a string of all the list elements. join can have an optional string to put between the list elements:

    set data {1 2 3 4 5}
    join $data ", "
         => 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    set s [join [list "henry" "the" "eighth"]]
    puts s
    ->henry the eighth

list operations

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